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Two-Way Traffic Signage: Frequently Asked Questions


Two-way traffic signs are regulatory traffic warning signs posted before or on two-way roadways to warn drivers about leaving a one-way road and entering a road with opposing traffic. This information is crucial as two-way roadways alter the driver’s ability to overtake other vehicles freely.


Two-way traffic signs are posted where a multi-lane divided section of a roadway transitions to a two-lane, two-way section of the roadway. These may be used at intervals along a two-lane, two-way roadway and to supplement the Divided Highway Ends signs.


Two-way road traffic signs play an essential role in ensuring the safety of road users. These help drivers see and understand the change in traffic movement since the two-way road rules are different from those for a one-way road. The sign also serves as a reminder to a driver to stick to the right-hand side of the road.


The MUTCD Section 2C.44 provides guidance around two-way traffic signs. Information about the application of these signs, using supplemental plaques with the signs, and the design of two-way traffic signs (W6-3) is covered in the section. It specifies the condition in which an AHEAD plaque should accompany the sign. The option to use the two-way sign at intervals on a two-lane, two-way roadway and as a supplement to a Divided Highway sign is also provided.


Two-way traffic signs are used on or before two-way roads to warn drivers about transitioning from a one-way road with unidirectional traffic to a road with opposing traffic. On the other hand, divided highway signs convey that the highway ahead with two lanes of opposing traffic is divided by a physical barrier such as a strip of land, guardrail, or a concrete divider.


According to MUTCD Section 2C.44 Paragraph 02, an AHEAD (W16-9P) plaque should be used with a two-way traffic sign to warn road users about a transition from a one-way street to a two-lane, two-way section of a roadway.

Looking for Two-Way Traffic Signs?
Looking for Two-Way Traffic Signs?
Give your drivers a heads up. Ideal for work zones, parking lots, and more!