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Crossing Signage: Frequently Asked Questions


Awareness of and compliance with applicable traffic laws along with the use of common sense are vital in preventing road accidents associated with crosswalks. It is also crucial to make crosswalks easily identifiable for drivers. Neighborhoods can do this with the help of crosswalk signs and markings, and by providing adequate lighting at crosswalks for good nighttime visibility for both pedestrians and drivers. 

Another way of improving crosswalk safety is by installing speed humps in advance of crossings to restrict the speed at which vehicles approach the crosswalks. Communities may also consider creating textured crosswalks for the convenience of visually impaired pedestrians. Limiting parking near crosswalks and appointing crossing guards can also significantly make crosswalks in neighborhoods safer.


Vehicular traffic crossing/warning signs are covered in MUTCD Section2C.49. The section describes twelve types of signs, including vehicle-specific signs such as trucks, tractors, and carts, among others. Guidance about when to use these signs as well as information about the types and applicability of supplemental plaques are provided in the section. Fluorescent yellow-green color can be substituted for these crossing signs instead of the usual yellow background.

Certain state MUTCDs and other locally applicable standards may also prescribe some specific requirements for vehicular traffic signage. Kindly check with your local traffic authority.


Yes, it does. The MUTCD Section 2C.50 provides standards and guidance around non-vehicular warning signs. It states that these signs may be used to alert road users about unexpected entries into or the shared use of roadways by pedestrians, animals, or equestrians.

The signs covered under this section are shown in Figure 2C-11 and include animal crossing signs such as cows, deer, horses, bears, sheep, moose, and others. Information about the design of these signs, when and where to use the signs, and the use of supplemental warning plaques is provided in the section.


Jaywalking refers to the act of crossing a street in an illegal way, i.e. in a non-designated area or when not permitted. It includes activities such as crossing outside of a crosswalk and walking when the walk signal indicates otherwise. Jaywalking is a proven traffic and safety hazard on the road.

It is a traffic offense that may be treated as an infraction or even a misdemeanor depending upon the jurisdiction and state laws. If the act was serious enough to potentially harm others, the violator may be cited with reckless endangerment or disorderly conduct.


No, pedestrians do not always have the right of way. While the rules and laws around pedestrians and crossings vary across states, there are a few things that are more or less common to all. Pedestrians have the right of way on sidewalks and crosswalks. Where the crosswalks are regulated by traffic signals, it is crucial to obey the signals and act accordingly. 

Where there are no crosswalks, the law may require you to yield the right of way to traffic. Pedestrians and other road users should also yield the right of way to public safety vehicles like ambulances and vehicles part of a funeral procession. 

There may be additional rules or restrictions applicable to your region. Please check with your local traffic agency.


When walking on a road, it is important to use a sidewalk as far as possible. When there is no sidewalk, you should still stick to the side of the road without disrupting the traffic flow and walk in the opposite direction of the flow so you face the oncoming traffic. This is important because walking in the direction of the traffic flow restricts the awareness of the traffic to just your ears and can lead to accidents. Walking facing the traffic is safer as you can see the vehicles approaching you and protect yourself as and when required.

Looking for Crossing Signs?
Looking for Crossing Signs?
MUTCD compliant yellow diamond signs offer unmatched durability and visibility.

Children Crossing Signs - Others

  • Alert speeders and busy parents that your school zone crossings are especially dangerous.
  • Signs can be personalized with your school’s or HOA’s name.
  • Stop for children in the crosswalk!
  • Find bold signs that drivers can’t miss.
  • Post Speed Limit Signs to enforce cautious driving around children and pets.
  • Traditional Black on Yellow plus fluorescent signs available. Choose from stock or customize.
  • Alert motorists before crossings to prevent crashes and promote safe driving behavior.
  • Black on Yellow plus fluorescent signs available. White on Green, White on Brown signs offered too.