1.875" x 2.875" Create Own Volunteer Time-Expiring Logo Badge, Design #808

Enter Your Text

Enter your text in the text blocks below. For hints on what to include in each text block, click on help image1 button below and review.

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Select Color

Click on the color scheme that you want.

  • Blue Color
  • Red Color
  • Green Color
  • Black Color
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Enter Text

Enter the text and adjust font size and style if desired. You may also want to change the position or size of each text area. Check the Edit button under your design. You may then click on the text areas of your design and resize or move them.

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Upload your logo using the “Custom” button. Or, select a logo from our “Graphic” library. To resize or reposition the graphic, click “Edit” and then the graphic to select it. By clicking and hold the corner and drag to reduce or increase the size of the graphic.
