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Office Etiquette Quizzes

Sometimes, it's hard to know whether or not what you're doing is wrong. Take a quick quiz to make sure you're not the one who should be reading the signs.

• From proper posture in your ergonomic office, to cleaning up after yourself in the kitchen, our quizzes help keep everyone on their toes.

• Feel free to send these to anyone in your workplace who isn't quite following the rules, or is need of a polite reminder.

• Once you pass these quizzes, you can earn a free certificate to show off in your office.

Should you send a Facebook friend request to your boss? Learn where to draw the line at work with this quick and fun quiz.
Taken 29,292 Times (Correct Answers: 75%)
Composing crafty work emails is a work of art backed by attention to basics. Take this email etiquette quiz for work and find out how you fare!
Taken 18,367 Times (Correct Answers: 74%)
Want to know the Do's and Don'ts in a meeting to maintain the harmony in conference room. Take this 10 questions quiz and know it quickly.
Taken 1,801 Times (Correct Answers: 65%)
Are you a role model or a rule breaker when it comes to using your cell phone at work? Take this quiz to find out!
Taken 5,078 Times (Correct Answers: 74%)
If you're throwing away trash, cleaning up crumbs, or making more coffee, there's a lot to do in the kitchen. Test your kitchen skills.
Taken 2,341 Times (Correct Answers: 82%)
Sure, it's private, but everyone has to use it. It should be clean, and make you feel comfortable. Make sure you're doing your part.
Taken 2,420 Times (Correct Answers: 70%)
Are you comfortable? Irregular posture in the office can have long-term effects on your overall health. See how well you're doing.
Taken 12,624 Times (Correct Answers: 69%)
Do you have an unhealthy relationship with you phone? How often do you message, check email or snap a selfie? See if you need detox!
Taken 1,290 Times (Correct Answers: 71%)