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Warehouse Tags and Label Holders: Frequently Asked Questions

Warehouse labeling is an essential step to creating and maintaining a well-organized warehouse where all items occupy designated spaces and can be easily and efficiently retrieved. This has multiple benefits. Proper labeling/tagging of warehouse racks and shelves eliminates/significantly reduces the chances of shipping a wrong product. It promotes inventory transparency, streamlines inventory management, and saves businesses considerable time and money.

Warehouse shelf tags and labels should contain sufficient identifiers to assist workers in locating the correct racks and shelves as efficiently as possible. These identifiers can be rack and shelf numbers, aisle markers, level, and position identifiers and may also include any inventory-specific information. Most shelf and rack tags usually use a combination of barcodes and human-readable identifiers.

There are several things to consider when labeling warehouse racks. Depending on the size of rack units, you may want to decide whether to label or tag individual tags or divide each rack into sections and label each section. Once that’s done, you should think about identifying each level, which is especially relevant if there are several levels in a rack. When labeling rack levels, it may be a good idea to follow the bottom-up approach and use at least two-digit numbers to facilitate easy scale-up when such a need arises. You should also think if you wish to follow serpentine or standard labeling models, depending on whether works should double back the aisle or not.

Warehouse tags and labels may be classified according to placement and type. Based on placement, warehouse markers often include rack/shelf labels used to identify racks, sections, and shelves, pallet labels used to track moveable units, and floor labels that are usually found in large warehouses with multiple rooms. Warehouse tags and labels may be grouped into paper, plastic, magnetic, and, at times, metal.

It may not be necessary but it is highly recommended to use warehouse label holders. Not only do these holders help you achieve more aesthetic and organized-looking racks and shelves, label holders prevent your tags and labels from getting damaged or removed due to frequent touching and traffic. Warehouse label holders are convenient to use and ensure your labels last for a long time.
Magnetic pallet rack label is a type of warehouse label that attaches to metal rack pallets with the help of a magnetic body. These may be available as magnetic sheets that can be printed or written upon or as holders that labels and tags can be inserted in or stuck to.

Our Bin Buddy™ label holders are perfect for you! Designed especially for plastic bins and totes, these holders feature a self-adhesive back and a clear, barcode-compatible window. The holders protect your labels from dirt and moisture and facilitate accurate scanning every time. The Bin Buddy™ label holders come with 4” height inserts that can be printed upon with laser and inkjet printers.

We also offer adhesive-free Tri·Dex™ label holders that can be slipped into bin slots and the labels inserted easily. Made of heavy-duty clear PVC, these don’t obstruct barcode scanning and come in a pack of 25.

Looking for Warehouse Tags and Label Holders?
Looking for Warehouse Tags and Label Holders?
Wide variety of styles to suit various industrial pallet racks and shelf edge labeling needs.