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No Soliciting Door Signs: Frequently Asked Questions


Generally speaking, soliciting refers to directly approaching potential customers or patrons to make a sale, ask for financial assistance, or any other thing of value. This includes activities such as going door to door selling products or services, asking for political or religious donations, charity, giving fliers, and so on. 

Legally speaking, the definition of soliciting, what counts as soliciting, and the laws and protections around it vary across states. Please check with your local authority for more accurate information.


Not really. Soliciting implies being on somebody’s property to gain something of value, like monetary assistance or exchange. On the other hand, trespassing refers to being on somebody’s premises without permission. 

In certain situations, soliciting may turn into trespassing when it happens despite clear communication against it. For instance, certain jurisdictions or ordinances may consider soliciting despite restrictions or prohibitions as trespassing. Please refer to relevant local laws to find out what’s applicable in your area.


One of the most effective ways to keep solicitors away is posting no soliciting signs around the neighborhood and individual homes. These signs can convey your strict no soliciting policy or communicate any limits you wish to impose on the practice. If your signs are ever ignored, you may directly speak with the solicitors and request not to be disturbed. If this fails, you may consider reaching out to the solicitor’s company or agency and have them alter the situation to your benefit.

Additionally, your jurisdiction may also have some remedy for you and you may reach out to your local Better Business Bureau for research and reporting purposes.


This depends on the laws applicable in your location. In many cases, soliciting despite the presence of clear no soliciting signs may count as trespassing and a violation of the owner’s right to privacy. That being said, the constitution does protect the rights of door-to-door salespeople and many local ordinances regulate when and how solicitors may operate.

Often, a quick dialogue with or simple warning to a solicitor may be enough to help them understand that you are not open to the practice. However, if they still continue to knock at your door, you may speak to your local law enforcement body to identify the best way out.


Yes! No soliciting signs are perhaps the most effective way to communicate that you do not want to be disturbed by unsolicited salesmen or charity seekers. In addition, these signs are a means to convey your right to privacy, and in many cases, may be used to levy charges or take legal action against a solicitor who refuses to obey the sign.


No soliciting signs should be posted conspicuously at doors or entrances to ensure these are readily visible and not obstructed by anything. The signs should be worded such that there is no ambiguity, the text is legible and visible from a distance, and the meaning can be easily understood. You may want to consider using a bilingual sign depending on the language mix in your locality. Also, custom no soliciting signs work wonderfully to create a precise message suiting your requirements.


No soliciting signs may be used by businesses and individuals at their homes/private property to promote safety, maintain privacy, and discourage unwanted visitors. Residents may install these signs at the most conspicuous places on their property, such as fences, trees, doors, windows, or the home entrance. Businesses may install the signs in the facility parking lot, lobby, reception, entrances, etc. One may even use no soliciting signs that specify a particular window during which solicitors may approach. 


No soliciting signs are valid tools to express your desire for and exercise your right to privacy. The use of these signs is so widespread that there is a very low chance of people getting offended. Nevertheless, there are still ways to post a no soliciting sign such that it comes across as polite and even friendly. For example, you may refrain from using signs with too blunt or direct wording and instead opt for ones that use a more gentle tone. Another good option is using funny no soliciting signs to engage with humor.

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