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Business Hours Signs: Frequently Asked Questions


Business hours refer to the number of hours in a day during which business is conducted. While traditionally these hours are between 9 am to 5 pm in many settings, given the prevalence of global businesses and varied business types, these hours can vary greatly.


Business hours depend on several factors, such as the nature of business, the type of customers the business caters to, seasonal variations, use of modern technology, and competitive pressure, among other things. A retail store may have extended business hours and shifts to cater to the working populace, certain commercial setups in tourist locations may extend their hours during their peak season, and institutions like banks may stick with traditional 9-5 working hours.


Business hours usually refer to the time in a day during which a business is open to its clients/customers. Working hours are mostly the hours that workers are required to put in. A business may have longer business hours but shorter individual working hours for employees who work in shifts.

A business hours sign is a visual tool used to display the hours of operations of a business. It can be in the form of a rigid sign, a wall/window decal, or a label. In addition to the hours of operation, these signs usually also display details such as business names, logos, contact information, etc.

Business hours signs convey to customers and clients the hours for which the business is open and when they may visit. They help set clear expectations between client and service provider. This helps ensure that existing and potential customers/clients don’t waste their time, which otherwise may negatively affect the perception of the business. The inclusion of business contact details lets people reach out to the business without having to wait to walk in.


While a business hours sign is a great way to communicate the hours of operation, some other ways also work rather well in addition to these signs. Businesses may display their hours on the website, visiting cards, brochures and/or have a Google My Business account so that the hours are visible when people search your business online. For people calling to know the business hours, an automated phone response system may be set up.


There are a few things that can make a business hours sign more effective. The sign should be easily readable with clearly crafted and placed text in proportion with the size of the sign. It may be a good idea to provide information such as name, logo, business contact details, etc., on the sign but too much information can lead to clutter.

Where a business has varying operation hours, it may be better to club days with the same hours when possible. For instance, a business may have the same hours Monday through Friday but different ones on weekends, or a business may be operational only on weekdays but still have different hours on the last day of the week.

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